Cafe Scientifique

cafe scientifique
Description: Cafe Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology. Edinburgh meetings take place in the Filmhouse Café bar, Lothian Road.

Cafes start with a short talk (usually about twenty minutes) by the speaker, to introduce the topic. After this there is usually a short break to allow glasses to be refilled and conversations to start. This is followed by an hour or so of questions and answers and general discussion.

Target Audience:  Adults

Who Gets Involved: Any researcher, any topic which could broadly be described as science or technology

Timescale:  Generally the 2nd Monday of every month. Speakers usually do just one talk / discussion.

Benefits: An opportunity to discuss your subject with enthusiastic and interested adults.

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