STEM Ambassador

STEM Ambassador
Description: STEM Ambassadors are people from STEM backgrounds who volunteer as inspiring role models for young people. They can contribute both to regular lessons or participate in extra-curricular activities such as STEM Clubs, Careers Days and visits. STEM Ambassadors open the door to a whole new world for young people, helping them to see STEM subjects and careers with a fresh perspective and engage their interest and imagination in new ways.

Target Audience:  Primary and Secondary Schools

Who Gets Involved: People who want to enthuse young people about Science Technology Engineering and Maths. You do not need to have any particular qualification and we welcome people with a wide variety of skills and professional backgrounds.

What Could I do? The range of STEM activities you can get involved in is extremely broad. It is completely up to you what you choose to get involved with.

Timescale: Our only requirement is that all Ambassadors take part in a minimum of one activity a year. The rest is mutually arranged between the ambassador and the school.

Benefits: gain a fresh perspective on day-to-day work when seen through the eyes of students;  challenge stereotypes young people have about STEM subjects and related careers; strengthen your own skills; have lots of fun and enjoy the buzz and energy from the young people!

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