Description: We’re a charity that works to promote and develop Edinburgh as a City of Literature, and project work is currently focussed around areas identified by the sector as needing development: digital, promotion, literary tourism, events co-ordination and international. We’re a staff of two full-time, supported by volunteers and freelancers.
Who Gets Involved: Academics. We recommend that you sign up for a free weekly ‘What’s On in Literary Edinburgh’ – that will keep you abreast of all the opportunities coming up in our city, as well as all the events activity. From there you can see what is possible.
What Could I Do? Regarding events organisation, we run the Literary Programmers Network which brings together the programmers in the city on a regular basis to work collaboratively and share resources. If you have specific ideas for events or are looking for partners, you can email us ( and we can connect you with the right person or help you directly.
To Find Out More: You can sign up by emailing and we’re on Twitter at @EdinCityofLit and Facebook at