Doors Open Day

Doors Open Day
Description: Each September researchers, students and support staff at Kings Buildings contribute to the local “Doors open Day” event by presenting an array of hands-on activities, posters and demonstrations for visitors to the Ashworth labs. This is an opportunity to use simple visual or tactile aids to initiate discussion of your research with interested members of the public in an informal manner. Support is available to assist with the preparation of appropriate props.

Target Audience: General public visiting the Ashworth museum (adults and children)

Who Gets Involved: Biology Researchers and a biology-related theme works best in this building – but other buildings are / could be opened if researchers were interested hosting.

What Could I do? Preparation (with assistance where appropriate) of props to initiate and inform discussion about the research with which you are involved.

Timescale: Doors Open Days 2016 is currently in planning.

Benefits: This is informal, driven by you, and pertains particularly to your research. It provides an opportunity to engage in discussion with a public who have already demonstrated their interest in our work by finding the venue.

To Find Out More: Information about Doors Open Days is available at