Creative Nonfiction in 2013

This year was the first time Beltane has offered workshops in writing creative nonfiction. Delivered by writer Barbara Melville and colleagues, the workshops help participants to use fictional techniques to make their accounts of their research more engaging. Some famous examples of the creative nonfiction genre include The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and Lone Frank’s My Beautiful Genome.

For the June 2013 Beltane Annual Gathering, we asked some of Barbara’s workshop participants to share examples of their creative nonfiction writing. These were compiled into a booklet that was available to Gathering attendees. If you didn’t attend the Gathering, or have lost your booklet, you can now read the work online in our Prezi. (N.B. The Prezi’s best viewed in full-screen mode.)

Alternatively, you can download and print off a PDF copy of the original booklet. Keep the pages in the original order, fold the booklet down the middle, and read away.