Storytelling | Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin

Elizabeth Stevenson has shared her experiences with storytelling

This is a story about a university lecturer who attended a fabulous Beltane storytelling workshop. People had come from near and far: from University of Edinburgh and the Highlands and Islands, from physics and psychology to law and literature, from PhD students to senior management.

They heard wonderful stories about love and loss, the cycle of life and about living off the land. Through the power of story they learned to connect with audiences on an emotional level and in a memorable way about their own research.

The lecturer loved this workshop and the learning she gained from it and realised that storytelling would be a valuable addition to the MSc Science Communication and Public Engagement. She thought and thought and decided that, in addition to students learning to communicate science through story-telling, they would communicate about science communication and public engagement: the challenges and benefits the fears and surprises, the new friends and new insights gained.

Her students loved the course and developed fabulous stories about insects and ice flows and impact in the Research Excellent Framework.

Here is one such story developed by Eve Smith: a former student on the MSc Science Communication and Public Engagement at the University of Edinburgh.

The Scientist by the Sea from E Stevenson on Vimeo.

Dr. Elizabeth Stevenson is the Programme Director of the on campus and online MScs in Science Communication and Public Engagement at the University of Edinburgh.