Public Engagement, here I come!

As I may have mentioned, once or twice, just in passing, I am now the proud possessor of a Beltane Public Engagement Fellowship.  You can find out more about the goals of the scheme at the Beltane site.

A fellow Fellow, Jen Ross, is also based in the same department as me, Moray House School of Education, at the University of Edinburgh.  One of our goals as Fellows is to encourage our colleagues to consider public engagement as an important part of their jobs, and as a valuable experience in and of itself. As a start to sharing our enthusiasm for public engagement, we recorded this short podcast in which we chat about what we’re planning to do with our Fellowship time and how we view public engagement generally. It is really designed for other academics who fancy a bit of exposure to what public engagement, and Beltane specifically, is about.  But I hope whatever your background you might find something of interest in here.

You can download the podcast here.

Sue Fletcher-Watson

This blog post was written by Sue Fletcher Watson and originally posted on Sue’s DART blog on August 30, 2013.