The fantastic Just Festival is looking for speakers for its new 2017 Friday night flagship event, Seriously Funny. Could you, or someone you know, be ripe for the stage? If so, please contact us ASAP!
Seriously Funny is a pairing of researchers and comedians who share in common an interest in social consciousness. The idea is that you and the comedian exchange skills and knowledge, before taking to the stage together in August for conversational, humorous but challenging discussion.
The Just Festival would especially like to hear from researchers who have an interest in:
- Brexit
- Trump
- Israel-Palestine conflict
- Drag performance and queering of institutions
- Transgender matters
The events will take place on Friday evenings in August 2017 (4th, 11th, 18th or 25th).
If you would like to discuss this further (no obligation to go ahead) please contact the Beltane team.